Flying into
This is the last summer to fly
supersonic as the Concorde finally goes into retirement
in October, and with it the glamour and excitement of
cruising over the Atlantic at more than twice the speed
of sound.
The announcement was inevitable,
but still shocking – the fact that the world’s most
recognisable, and expensive, airliner should finally be
touching down one last time later this year brought
gasps of dismay from the well-heeled natives of London
and New York. From Manhattan to Eaton Square, the talk
has been about the prospective drudgery of subsonic
transatlantic flights, having to mix with the peasants
at boarding, (Concorde’s cabin is all first class and
has its own exclusive departure lounge), and how to get
a ticket for just one last rush of adrenaline at
2,200kph. Like the death of a well-loved family pet that
was getting rickety on its legs, everyone knew that
after 35 years of flight and more than 25 years of
passenger service the Concorde was due for stately
retirement, but no-one thought it would happen so
suddenly. Air France waved off its Concordes with a
Gallic shrug last May, but British Airways is
maintaining its commercial services until the end of
September, followed by numerous charter services in
October that will cover the world.
Just why is one of the most beautiful aircraft in the
sky finally being laid to rest in various aviation
museums around the world? The answer, I’m afraid, is
cold ugly economics. Although British Airways’ Concordes
make a tidy profit, after 30 years of flying the
aircraft are due for a major investment programme to
update many of the systems on board the aircraft. With
the first-class travel market still in the doldrums post
9/11 and many major economies teetering on recession,
there would seem little hope of the airlines being able
to fund this investment and keep the aircraft in profit.
Moreover, Airbus spends millions of dollars providing
maintenance support for Concorde, money it would rather
see spent on its latest projects. The result is the
unfortunate demise of an icon that epitomised wealth,
adventure and a global optimism that today seems to have
Developed in the 1960s, Concorde was conceived at a
time when technology was sexy. For Europe, the social
and political changes that swept the continent looked to
a future that could only be better, brighter and very
exciting. In a time when even subsonic air travel was
considered only for the wealthy, the idea of supersonic
travel was beyond the dreams of all but the very lucky.
Initially, both France and Britain were following their
own supersonic transport studies, with the French
examining the feasibility of a medium-range aircraft,
and the British firmly set on the transatlantic range.
When the French and British governments decided to share
expertise and costs on the project, it was the
transatlantic version that prevailed, won over by the
British argument that it was in the long-range market
that the best prospects for supersonic transport lay. It
was only on sector lengths exceeding 2,500 kilometres
that the time-saving advantages of supersonic cruise
speed began to show through.
Amusingly, despite unprecedented co-operation between
the British and French, there was one area of conflict –
the spelling of the word ‘Concorde’. Denoting agreement
between the two countries, Concorde is actually spelt
without the ‘e’ in English and with the ‘e’ in French.
Eventually the French spelling became the accepted form,
although this may have something to with the fact that
concorde is originally a French word, and only entered
the English language when the French occupied England
after the Battle of Hastings in 1066, and changed the
English language forever – which also explains the huge
number of words similar to both
English and French! Another British
idiosynchrosy which apparently bemused the French was
the ready use of first names, a fact underlined by one
meeting when a British official suggested that Honorine
should be in on the meeting to take the minutes. His
French counterpart agreed, but quizzed to whom Honorine
was, only to find out that she was his secretary who had
worked for him for three years, and whom he had only
known as Mademoiselle Dupont.
By 1972, BOAC (now British Airways) and Air France
signed contracts for a total of nine Concordes. However,
the feasibility of the Concorde project relied heavily
on other airlines buying it, primarily the Americans,
and when Pan Am and TWA decided to cancel their options,
there were worries that it was the beginning of the end
for supersonic travel. National pride put it down to the
fact that Concorde was a European invention, and it was
this that irked the Americans, long used to commercial
air supremacy. The reality was probably more to with the
fact that both Pan Am and TWA had suffered financially
from their wide-body aircraft fleet expansion, and now
really did not have a lot of money to throw around.
Prospects didn’t look too bleak though, the former Shah
of Iran confirmed the purchase of two Concordes for the
national airline Iran Air, while China was very
interested in purchasing three Concordes. But when the
Americans pulled out, other airlines got cold feet and
decided to wait on the sidelines.
Before starting its commercial services, Concorde
undertook a number of promotional tours to highlight its
time-saving speed. This was admirably demonstrated on
June 17, 1974 when a promotional trip Concorde took off
from Boston en route to Paris, at the very same time
that a Boeing 747 left Paris for Boston. The two
aircraft crossed when the 747 was 990 kilometres out of
Paris and the Concorde was 3,800 kilometres out of
Boston. After landing in Paris, the Concorde picked up
another load of passengers and set off for Boston,
arriving 11 minutes ahead of the lagging 747. Some 500
businessmen from Brazil, USA, West Germany, France and
Britain approved the advantages of flying supersonic and
an estimated 100,000 people came to see the Concorde at
Boston’s international airport, causing the biggest
traffic jams ever known
January 21, 1976 saw commercial
services start with British Airways starting a service
to Bahrain and Air France heading for Rio de Janeiro. In
May, both airlines began simultaneous services to
Washington, DC and in November 1977, after numerous
protests about noise from Americans, services finally
began to New York. In December that year, a joint
service with Singapore Airlines and British Airways
linked London and Singapore, with a refuelling stop in
Bahrain or Dubai. Political issues and lack of
profitability saw the Concorde routes eventually reduced
to the New York-Paris run for Air France, and New York
and Barbados for British Airways by 2000.
Whatever the economic and political bullying at the
time, Concorde has always been a huge hit with those
lucky enough to fly on it. For the average air traveller
who flies regularly on business, a trip of three hours
is just about the limit before boredom begins to set in.
After takeoff, one can enjoy a drink, have a flick
through the newspapers, have a leisurely lunch and
coffee – and then wonder what to do. On Concorde, you
will be starting your descent by this stage, and it is
this that hits home when doing the transatlantic run.
Comments that Concorde is a bit cramped in its cabins
and a little noisy on takeoff pale into insignificance
when the time-saving factor is realised. Sir David
Frost, a seasoned Concorde traveller, put it succinctly
saying that, "It spoils you for flying completely.
The speed, the look, everything about it reeks of
exclusivity and luxury. Flying a jumbo jet afterwards
just seems dull, lugubrious and very, very boring."
Flying from London to New York in just three and half
hours, compared to the normal seven-and-half hour crawl,
has made the concept of actually commuting between the
two financial hubs a reality for a limited number of
Concorde passengers.
The expense of a Concorde ticket (around $6,000 for
round-trip flight from London to New York) has drawn
accusations that it is an elitist form of travel for the
privileged few and not worth the investment – so
what’s wrong with that? The politics of envy from
those too poor to pay for a ticket miss out on one big
point: Concorde was created to fill a marketing niche.
There is a demand for rapid transport between two of the
world’s largest financial capitals, and top companies
are quite willing to pay up full price to enable their
executives to get there and back in the fastest time
possible in order for crucial business to be executed.
Many in the world do not realise just how heavy traffic
is between these two cities, with a flight from London
leaving for New York approximately every 20 minutes of
the day operated by anything up to 10 different
Concorde was never designed for mass transport,
although it was hoped that the launch of supersonic air
travel would act as a catalyst that could develop the
industry to eventually produce supersonic aircraft
available to the masses. Concorde was always there for
those ready to pay a big premium for speed. If you
wanted a bargain ticket, then there was always a
subsonic flight which hopefully had a few good inflight
movies to quash the boredom factor.
Concorde survived the doom mongers and for British
Airways at least, went on to become not only a
profitable product, but also a flagship icon to the
airline that raised it above the competition. 35 years
on, people still turn to look up in the sky and see the
sleek, dart-like shape of Concorde roaring overhead to
some exotic locale, and for the UK’s national lottery
winners, a trip on Concorde is apparently one of the
first purchases to be made. Moreover, there is a
generation that has grown up with Concorde remaining the
aspirational trip of a lifetime. When British Airways
announced the retirement of Concorde and offered a
promotional airfare of just £1,999 ($3,150), all
available seats were sold out within hours as people
across the world rushed to fulfill at least one of
life’s dreams. However, British Airways has laid plans during October
to allow as many people as possible to have the chance
to fly supersonic. During the month Concorde will be
conducting a farewell people’s tour of the UK, with
500 seats to be won by lottery, with entry costing just
£5 ($8). The 500 winners will enjoy a two-hour
supersonic flight around the Bay of Biscay, with the
money raised going into a charitable trust for children.
Still, there is more than a twinge of sadness at the
loss of Concorde. It is not just national prestige for
the British and French that their creation, and one
never surpassed, should have to be retired. Also, it is
the fact that there is nothing to replace it. If
supersonic aviation had developed, as it was expected,
then the demise of Concorde would have been merely
poignant, and not nostalgic as it is now. It is an
interesting reversal of progress that we are witnessing
the fastest form of commercial transport disappear from
the skies and be left with air journey times that have
not improved since the 1960s. The latest jumbos might be
able to fly longer distances, but they are still mass
people transporters and lack the physical beauty and
clean line of the Concorde. One common remark about the
Concorde is that it is a stunning aircraft to look at in
a purely artistic sense, no-one can say that about
today’s Boeings and Airbuses.
For now, there is still a chance to savour the
frisson of excitement that walking up to the Concorde
check-in desks at London’s Heathrow airport gives,
under the curious and envious looks of other passengers.
The darling of celebrities and captains of industry,
Concorde has been whisking practically every head of
state, Hollywood star and supermodel over the Atlantic
at 2,200kph (1,350mph), and at an altitude of 20,000
metres (60,000 feet) for the past 25 years. It has been
mooted that supersonic transport might not return for
another 20 years, but at least until October, you can
still live out just one fantasy, sipping a glass of
Champagne as you break the sound barrier and gazing at
the curve of the Earth silently pass below you.