Stories, Memories and Opinions
have large amount of photos (latest estimate is somewhere around 15,000 frames
of negatives, slides and digital pictures from early 70’s to present).
I am not going to put high-resolution digital photos here due to download
time, disk space restrictions and copyright concerns. Send
me an email with the name of pictures you are interested. I should be able
to provide you with either high-resolution digitals or professional quality
prints or enlargements. 我有攒破烂的习惯。多年以来存下了大量的照片和底片(从七十年代初到现在所积累的黑白,彩色,幻灯片和数字照片应至少有一万五千桢。另外还有四、五十小时的录像)。由于在下载时间,磁盘空间和版权上的考虑,我不打算把高分辩率的照片放到网站上。如果您有兴趣,请给我发个邮件,说明您所要的照片和格式。我应该可以给您发回高分辨率的数字照片(从幻灯片上扫描下来的照片最大,每张大约需要20M)或以专业水准印制放大的照片。